TeamWork Volume 41, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)

Message from the President

Dear Members,

I hope this message finds you well and perhaps with work demands easing off slightly as the semester draws to a close.
I’m excited to announce that our upcoming spring meeting will be held at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. As always, the SEPTLA meeting is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together, share knowledge, celebrate achievements, commiserate about challenges, and work to improve the future of our theological libraries. I am personally excited to visit St. Tikhon’s and see a part of Pennsylvania that I have never visited before.
As we have become accustomed to, this will be a hybrid event, so you will be able to fully participate even if you are not able to make it up to St. Tikhon’s. Please see the meeting invitation for details and to register.
During this gathering, we will also be conducting elections for key positions within SEPTLA, specifically a President and Secretary. I encourage all members to submit their nominations for these positions. Nominations can be made either prior to the event or during the business meeting itself. Self-nominations are also accepted.

Other positions with terms ending include Newsletter Editor, Archivist, and roles on the Communications or Continuing Education Committees. If you are willing to serve in your position for another term or would like to be appointed to one of these positions, please get in touch with the Executive Committee. Your involvement in SEPTLA is crucial to shaping the future direction of our organization, and your voice and service are greatly valued.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our shared goals. I look forward to seeing you all at St. Tikhon’s, in person or virtually.

Warm regards,

Victoria Jesswein
SEPTLA President
United Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg PA
May 20, 2024

Invitation to the Spring Meeting 2024

Greetings! The SEPTLA Spring Meeting will be at St. Thikon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan (Waymart), PA, on June 14 at 11am.

Please RSVP here:

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