10:00 am – Video Conference (Zoom)
Attendees: Virginia Dearborn, Bob McInnes, Patrick Milas, Elizabeth Young Miller, James Humble, Greg Murray, Myka Kennedy Stephens
Excused: James Sauer, Chris Schwartz (interest group chairs)
- Welcome and announcements (Elizabeth)
Called to order at 10:03 a.m. - Approval of the agenda (Elizabeth)
Approved by acclamation. - Approval of the minutes from December 10, 2018 (Elizabeth)
Approved by acclamation. - Reports and Discussion
- Treasurer’s Report (Patrick)
As of February 11, 2019, SEPTLA’s current balances are as follows:
Non-profit Checking Acct (ending in 9912) = $5,032.54
Money Market Acct (ending in 9552) = $6,746.43
Total: $11,778.97 - Communications Committee (Virginia)
Very pleased to welcome Greg Murray as Newsletter Editor. Greg would like a list of newsletter content by March 15, 2019; URLs of content already present on SEPTLA website. Any content not yet present on the site should be sent to Virginia. (Copy Virginia and Greg on everything, if that’s easier.) Lydia was a tremendous help in getting automatic backups established and the site updated. Thank you, Lydia! Slides from the now-disbanded Resource Sharing Task Force’s presentation at the Fall 2018 meeting have been uploaded to the website. Chris Schwartz requested and is managing a new Cataloging Resources page on the SEPTLA website. The one-per-page version of the SEPTLA Bookmark has been updated to reflect Biblical’s name change (now Missio). Print order for bookmarks on hold until Missio’s location change has happened. - Cataloging and Metadata Interest Group (Chris)
Chris was unable to attend today but sent a tentative topic (not posted to the SEPTLA listserv): library system modules for cataloging and metadata work. Also, she is managing a new Cataloging Resources page on the SEPTLA website. - Research Services Interest Group (Jim Sauer)
Jim was unable to attend today’s meeting. - Spring meeting
- Save the Date: April 26, 2019 (Friday)*
Jim Humble at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary will be hosting the Spring SEPTLA meeting. Virginia will post a Save the Date message on the SEPTLA website, asking members to RSVP to Jim by April 12. - SLACK
Myka demonstrated Slack for the committee and sent invitations to executive committee to enter the SEPTLA workspace prior to the Spring meeting. Channels will be public to SEPTLA members who accept Slack invitations. Current channels in the workspace include # executive committee, # general, and # random. Slack will be the topic of a hands-on workshop at the meeting. Attendees will be encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet to the meeting so that they can enter and use the workspace. Myka will make Communications Committee members administrators in the space. - Shared collection development
The Spring meeting will also include a discussion about shared collection development. - BYO – Invitation to the Spring meeting will include request for members to bring their library’s collection development policy and an internet-connected device (phone, tablet, laptop) to try out Slack.
- We will need Zoom (or other web conferencing tool) in order to include in the business meeting voting members from any libraries unable to travel to St. Charles.
- Elizabeth will check with the interest group chairs about possible interest group time on the meeting agenda.
- Save the Date: April 26, 2019 (Friday)*
- Treasurer’s Report (Patrick)
- Adjourn (Elizabeth)
- Welcome and announcements (Elizabeth)
The Executive Committee will not meet again prior to the April 26 meeting at St. Charles.
Adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
*Note: The date of the spring meeting has been changed to May 9, 2019 and that RSVPs are due to Jim Humble by April 25. The Executive Committee has also called another Zoom meeting for April 15.