Date: April 21, 2017
Location: New Brunswick Theological Seminary
I. Welcome and Thanks
Myka Kennedy Stephens welcomed everyone and explained that an experiment was underway—B. Bohleke (Lutheran Theological Seminary Gettysburg), Debbie Hirneisen (University of Valley Forge) and Jeremy McGinniss (Clarks Summit University) would be joining everyone virtually. Myka thanked Ondrea Murphy and New Brunswick Theological Seminary for their hospitality and for hosting the meeting. Ondrea, Samantha Rice, and Bethany O’Shea made check-in a seamless process. Myka then called the meeting to order.
II. Approval of Agenda
Myka Kennedy Stephens asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Seeing none, Lydia Putnam moved that the agenda be approved. Clint Banz seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
III. Approval of Minutes from October 7, 2016 Meeting
James Humble motioned to approve the minutes from the fall 2016 meeting. Sergei Arhipov seconded, and the motion carried.
IV. Reports
A. Treasurer’s Report
- Checking balance: $4,034.56
- Several deposits, including money from ATLA for the spring guest speakers
- PNC Money Market balance: $6,693.95
- Total balance: $10,728.51
B. Research Services Interest Group Report
Patrick Milas reported that he is considering speakers for the fall meeting.
C. Cataloging and Metadata Interest Group
Chris Schwartz explained that she had nothing to add to the report; the Cataloging and Metadata Interest Group has no plans at this time for the fall meeting.
D. Continuing Education Committee Report
Karla Grafton reported that the Continuing Education Committee is looking for a new chair and emphasized that this is a great committee. Karla also announced that this is her last meeting and expressed her thanks; she has learned from all of us.
E. SEPTLA Future Task Force Report
Gerald Lincoln explained that the following four (4) categories surfaced:
- Future
- Leadership
- Organizational and Professional Development
- Sharing
Goals have been identified for each category and a list of ideas has been included. The task force recommended the Executive Committee, Continuing Education Committee, and Resource Sharing Committee be charged with following up on these items and establishing outcomes and assessments.
V. Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws
Myka Kennedy Stephens explained that the revisions to the constitution and bylaws were lengthy. She grouped the motions into thirteen (13 slides), detailing the motion, how it will read, and the context. The constitution and bylaws can be changed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total membership. Since there are eighteen (18) member institutions, twelve (12) must vote in favor for the motion to pass. Patrick Milas would monitor the chat and electronic votes.
After this explanation, Myka asked if there were any overall questions or concerns. Seeing none, changes to the constitution were addressed first.
Amendments to the SEPTLA Constitution
Article 5.5.2 Governance – Executive Committee
Motion: To amend Article 5.5.2 by striking “the Chair of the Continuing Education Committee, and the Chairs of the Interest Groups” and inserting “and the Chairs of Committees, Interest Groups, and active Task Forces”
5.5.2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairs of Committees, Interest Groups, and active Task Forces.
Article 6.1 Committees and Programs
Motion: To amend Article 6.1 by inserting “task forces” as a means of organization
6.1. The association may organize itself by means of committees, programs, interest groups, task forces and other forms as described in the by-laws in order to further the purposes of the association.
Vote: Sandy Finlayson seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 14 institutions in favor.
Article 7.1 Amendments
Motion: To amend Article 7.1 by striking “and the vote shall be conducted by mail or at a duly called business meeting at which a quorum is present, with each Member institution having one vote” and inserting “at least 30 days in advance of the next duly called business meeting. Discussion and additional proposals may proceed during those 30 days and at the duly called business meeting. The vote on the final version of the motion will be conducted by email or other digital means over a 7-day period beginning at the conclusion of the business meeting, with each Member institution having one vote. The voting process will be overseen by the Executive Committee.”
7.1. Amendments, additions or deletions to the articles of this constitution may be made by a two-thirds majority vote of the Member institutions. Such amendments, additions or deletions shall be distributed in writing to the Members at least 30 days in advance of the next duly called business meeting. Discussion and additional motions may proceed during those 30 days and at the duly called business meeting. The vote on the final version of the motion will be conducted by email or other digital means over a 7-day period beginning at the conclusion of the business meeting, with each Member institution having one vote. The voting process will be overseen by the Executive Committee.
Discussion: Myka Kennedy Stephens explained that this motion makes it more convenient for everyone to participate. Ondrea Murphy asked if “in writing” meant via e-mail. Myka responded that “in writing” designated in print either as part of teamwork or communicated in text, probably electronically. Lydia Putnam expressed concern that “print” denoted snail mail and suggested changing the language to “in text.” Ondrea mentioned that some people do not look at their e-mail. Sandy Finlayson amended the motion to strike “in writing” to avoid any confusion (see above).
Vote: Clint Banz seconded the amended motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Amendments to the SEPTLA Bylaws
Section 5.5 Terms of Office
Motion: To amend Section 5.5 by inserting “and committee” after “interest group,” and striking “A Chair may stand for re-election for a consecutive second one-year term.”
5.5 Chairs of each interest group and committee shall begin their term of service upon the adjournment of the Fall meeting.
Section 5.6.2 Vacancies
Motion: To amend Section 5.6.2 by striking “other”
5.6.2. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee with the appointee to serve the remainder of the term.
Discussion: Virginia Dearborn asked why in section 5.5 there was a motion to strike “A Chair may stand for re-election for a consecutive second one-year term.” Can the chair not run for re-election? Myka Kennedy Stephens explained that this motion eliminates a redundancy.
With regard to 5.6.2, James Humble asked if there was a way to get out of an appointment. Myka responded that a person would need to consent to the appointment. She explained that the rationale for this motion is to allow the Executive Committee the ability to appoint a president. Gerald Lincoln explained that Clint Banz was appointed Treasurer, but not necessarily for the entire term. Myka mentioned that Clint was appointed for one (1) year, since most positions are for a one (1) year term. The language could be amended to “serve until the next election.” Melvin Hartwick announced that those appointed could resign if necessary. Jenifer Gundry elaborated that Clint’s appointment has been labeled “interim” because he has been gracious to assume this role.
Vote: Myka Kennedy Stephens asked if there was a motion to amend 5.6.2. Seeing none, Ondrea Murphy seconded the original motion. The motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 6.5 Editor, Teamwork
Motion: To amend Section 6.5 and its subsections by striking “Editor of Teamwork” and inserting “Newsletter Editor”
Motion: To amend Section 6.5.1 by striking “the newsletter of the association”
Motion: To strike section 6.5.2 “The Editor of Teamwork shall report to the Secretary” and renumber subsequent subsections
Motion: To amend section 6.5.3 (to become 6.5.2) by inserting “at least 30 days” after “publishing one issue”
Motion: To insert a new Section 6.5.3 “The Newsletter Editor shall serve as Co-Chair of the Communications Committee.”
6.5. Newsletter Editor
6.5.1. The Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.
6.5.2. The Newsletter Editor is responsible for collecting and publishing one issue at least 30 days prior to each plenary meeting.
6.5.3. The Newsletter Editor shall serve as Co-Chair of the Communications Committee.
Discussion: Melvin Hartwick asked if Teamwork was disappearing in favor of a newsletter. Myka Kennedy Stephens explained that Teamwork is the newsletter. The new language offers flexibility, especially for an online publication.
Vote: Sandy Finlayson seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 6.6 Webmaster
Motion: To amend Section 6.6 and its subsections by striking “Webmaster” and inserting “Website Manager”
Motion: To amend Section 6.6.3 by striking “The Webmaster shall report to the chair of the Technology Interest Group” and inserting “The Website Manager shall serve as Co-Chair of the Communications Committee.”
6.6. Website Manager
6.6.1 The Website Manager shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.
6.6.2 The Website Manager is responsible for keeping the SEPTLA website current.
6.6.3 The Website Manager shall serve as Co-Chair of the Communications Committee.
Vote: Lydia Putnam seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 6.7 Archivist
Motion: To amend Section 6.7.3 by striking “a snapshot of the SEPTLA Website in May shortly before the May meeting and file this copy in the SEPTLA archives” and inserting “annual snapshots of the SEPTLA Website for the SEPTLA archives”
6.7.3 The Archivist shall obtain annual snapshots of the SEPTLA Website for the SEPTLA archives.
Discussion: James Humble reflected that this language seems more vague and asked “why.” Can the snapshot be taken anytime during the year? Myka Kennedy Stephens responded that the original language is too specific. The motion offers flexibility both with regard to timeframe and with advances in technology, using the digital means available.
Vote: Donna Roof seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 6.9 Chairs of Interest Groups (new)
Motion: To amend Section 6 by inserting a new subsection “6.9” that would read:
6.9 Chairs of Interest Groups
6.9.1. Chairs of Interest Groups, as established by Section 8, shall be elected by the membership of the interest group.
6.9.2. Chairs of Interest Groups shall be responsible for leading Interest Group meetings.
Discussion: Myka Kennedy Stephens explained that this was a housecleaning measure to ensure that the bylaws match our practices.
Vote: Virginia Dearborn seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 6.10 Chairs of Task Forces (new)
Motion: To amend Section 6 by inserting a new subsection “6.10” that would read:
6.10 Chairs of Task Forces
6.10.1. Chairs of Task Forces, as established by Section 9, shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.
6.10.2. Chairs of Task Forces shall be responsible for leading Task Force meetings.
Vote: Jenifer Gundry seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 8.1 Interest Groups
Motion: To amend Section 8.1 by inserting “focused on areas of interest in librarianship” after “interest groups”
8.1. The association may have interest groups focused on areas of interest in librarianship.
Section 8.4 Interest Groups
Motion: To amend Section 8.4 by striking “will” and inserting “shall”
8.4 The Chair of each interest group shall serve on the Executive Committee.
Section 8.5 Interest Groups
Motion: To amend Section 8.5 by striking “Cataloging, Reference/Information Literacy, and Information Technology/Systems” and inserting “Cataloging and Metadata, and Research Services”
8.5 The current constituted interest groups are: Cataloging and Metadata, and Research Services
Vote: Alan Lapayover seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 9 Task Forces (new)
Motion: To amend the bylaws by inserting a new section after “8.0 Interest Groups” and renumbering subsequent sections. The new section “9.0” would read:
9.0 Task Forces
9.1. The association may have task forces to manage projects of a limited duration. The duration of a task force may be flexible based on the need and nature of the project.
9.2. Upon discussion by the Executive Committee and approval by a majority of Executive Committee members, new task forces may be constituted and charged with a specific task.
9.3. Each task force shall have a Chair and members, all appointed by the Executive Committee. The number of members may vary based on the need and nature of the project.
9.4. The Chair of each task force shall serve on the Executive Committee for the duration of the task force’s existence.
9.5. The Executive Committee shall disband a task force at the completion of its charge.
Vote: Patrick Milas seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Section 9 Executive Committee (future Section 10)
Motion: To amend Section 9 by striking “Executive Committee” and inserting “Committees”
Motion: To amend Section 9 by placing subsections 9.1 to 9.3 under a new subsection “10.1 Executive Committee”
Motion: To amend Section 9.2 (future Section 10.1.2) by inserting “Website Manager, Newsletter Editor,” after “Chair of the Continuing Education Committee,” striking “and,” and inserting “and the Chairs of the active Task Forces” after “Interest Groups”
10.0. Committees
10.1. Executive Committee
10.1.1. There shall be an Executive Committee which is charged with long-range planning for the association and overseeing the fulfillment of the officers’ duties.
10.1.2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, the Chair of the Continuing Education Committee, Website Manager, Newsletter Editor, the Chairs of the Interest Groups, and the Chairs of the active Task Forces.
10.1.3. The President shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee.
Motion: To amend Section 9 by inserting a new subsection “10.1.4” that would read:
10.1.4. The Executive Committee is responsible for appointing the following administrative officers: Chair of the Continuing Education Committee, Website Manager, Newsletter Editor, Archivist, Chairs of Task Forces.
Motion: To amend Section 9 by inserting a new subsection “10.1.5” that would read:
10.1.5. The Executive Committee may conduct business, including votes and appointments, by synchronous or asynchronous methods, including but not limited to in person meetings, teleconferences, videoconferences, group email threads, and web surveys.
Vote: Sergei Arhipov seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Motion: To amend Section 9 by placing subsection 9.4 under a new subsection “10.2. Continuing Education Committee”
Motion: To amend Section 9 by inserting a new subsection “10.2.1” that would read:
10.2. Continuing Education Committee
10.2.1. There shall be a Continuing Education Committee charged with promoting the educational development of SEPTLA by organizing programming at each plenary meeting and a Biennial Full Day Workshop.
Motion: To amend Section 9.4 (future section 10.2.2) by striking “to the Continuing Education Committee. The responsibilities of the committee shall be to promote the educational development of SEPTLA by organizing Afternoon Workshops at each plenary meeting and a Biannual Full Day Workshop” and inserting “to a two-year renewable term on the Continuing Education Committee”
10.2.2. The Continuing Education Committee shall consist of a Chair and three individuals; the Chair may recommend individuals to the Executive Committee for appointment to a two-year renewable term on the Continuing Education Committee.
Vote: Karla Grafton seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 15 institutions in favor.
Motion: To amend Section 9 by inserting a new subsection “10.2.3” that would read:
10.2.3. The Chair of the Continuing Education Committee is appointed by the Executive Committee for a two-year renewable term.
Motion: To amend Section 9 by inserting a new subsection “10.3” that would read:
10.3. Communications Committee
10.3.1. There shall be a Communications Committee charged with marketing outreach and promotion of SEPTLA and its activities, and also fostering communication and interaction among the membership between meetings.
10.3.2. The Communications Committee shall consist of the Website Manager, Newsletter Editor, Archivist, and two additional individuals. These officers and members are appointed by the Executive Committee for a two-year renewable term.
10.3.3. The Website Manager and Newsletter Editor shall serve as Co-Chairs of the Communications Committee.
Discussion: Virginia Dearborn asked if there was a mention of marketing in relation to SEPTLA somewhere else. Myka Kennedy Stephens responded not that she was aware of. Virginia then asked the rationale. Myka clarified that this language was included for recruiting new members and based on the findings of the Future Task Force. Virginia questioned if this was recruitment or marketing. Myka elaborated that marketing is broader. Recruitment will be done by the Executive Committee. Gerald Lincoln echoed that marketing is broader, citing that librarians at current member institutions are not attending conferences or participating in leadership roles; hence an opportunity for marketing.
Discussion/Vote: Chris Schwartz moved that “outreach” replace “marketing,” for marketing sounds like business terminology. Virginia Dearborn seconded the motion, and the motion passed with 9 institutions in favor. [Before this motion was voted on there was additional discussion. Guest speaker Stephen Marvin commented that the word “marketing” has a financial connotation. Jeremy McGinniss noted that marketing is not a dirty word; it implies outreach. Julie Dawson asked if it was possible to include all three (3) terms: marketing, outreach, and promotion. Virginia suggested just promotion.]
Vote: Sandy Finlayson seconded the amended motion, and the motion passed with 14 institutions in favor.
General Motion: To express thanks to the Executive Committee for their work on the changes to the constitution and bylaws. Lydia Putnam seconded the motion and there was a round of applause.
VI. Election of Officers
Past President, Jenifer Gundry opened the election of officers.
A. President
Myka Kennedy Stephens is willing to continue as president and no additional nominations were received in advance. Seeing no nominations from the floor, Jenifer closed further nominations, and Myka was elected by a clear majority.
B. Secretary
No nominations were received in advance. Jenifer called for nominations from the floor. Samantha Rice, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, volunteered to serve as secretary, and was elected by a clear majority.
C. Treasurer
No nominations were received in advance, nor were any forthcoming from the floor. Nominations were then closed. The Executive Committee will appoint a treasurer at a later date.
VII. Other Business
Myka Kennedy Stephens recommended a round of applause for Karla Grafton in recognition of her service over the years to SEPTLA. She will be missed, and we wish her all the best!
Virginia Dearborn announced that the new SEPTLA website links to staff information on individual library’s websites; this information is not reproduced again on the SEPTLA website. She encouraged members to check this page of the website and let her know of any errors.
Myka highlighted that the deadline for the ATLA first time scholarship was extended until May 1. Applications can be sent to Jenifer Gundry.
VIII. Conclusion and Next Meeting
Myka Kennedy Stephens thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth Young Miller