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2:00 p.m. Teleconference
Attendees: Clint Banz, Virginia Dearborn, Karla Grafton, Jenifer Gundry, Patrick Milas, Myka Kennedy Stephens
Excused: Stephanie Kaceli, Samantha Rice, Chris Schwartz
Approval of the Agenda
The Executive Committee voted to approve the agenda for the meeting.
March 2, 2017 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
The Executive Committee voted to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2017 meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report dated May 22, 2017, was summarized by Clint Banz and submitted in full via email to Executive Committee.
- Continuing Education Committee Report. Karla reported that SEPTLA’s grant report appeared in the recent ATLA newsletter.
- Communications Committee Report. Virginia reported that she is exploring options for the website in the areas of auto-backup, secure plug-ins, and media image switch out options for the homepage.
- Cataloging and Metadata Interest Group Report. No report was submitted.
- Research Services Interest Group Report. Patrick reported that the group is working on speakers for the fall meeting. He noted the possibility of inviting Princeton Theological Seminary’s Director of Digital Initiatives Greg Murray to present a version of his ATLA presentation on using the Theological Commons as a platform for libraries to get their digital collections online and as a springboard for research.
Review of Amended Constitution and Bylaws
The committee discussed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws, as voted on at the April 2017 meeting. Clint and Patrick agreed to review the revised documents for errors in advance of posting the revised documents to the SEPTLA website.
Meetings for 2017-2018
Following discussion, the committee agreed upon the following meetings for the 2017-2018 year:
- August 2017 – Executive Committee Meeting
- October 2017 – Fall Meeting. Clint will confirm if Lancaster Bible College is available to host the fall meeting (avoiding October 6).
- December 2017 – Executive Committee Meeting
- February 2018 – Executive Committee Meeting
- April 2018 – Spring Meeting. Myka will reach out to Cairn to confirm that they are available to host the spring meeting.
Actions on Future Task Force Recommendations
Myka summarized recommendations from the Future Task Force Recommendation document, submitted by Gerald Lincoln and Mark Draper.
The committee voted to approve and implement the following actions:
- Organizational Assessment – It was agreed this area of activity will be the responsibility of Executive Committee, with the Past President responsible for developing and conducting regular meeting surveys. Surveys can include assessment questions, along with suggestions for continuing education and interest group foci.
- Survey meeting attendees regularly; coordinated by the Past President.
- Add discussion of survey results along with feedback and observations to the Executive Committee Meeting agendas.
- Cultivate Leadership – It was agreed that this area of activity will be the shared responsibility of Communications and Continuing Education Committees.
- Recruit/identify mentors in SEPTLA and begin building a networking structure
- Create and maintain an expertise list
- Activities and Opportunities – It was agreed that this area of activity will be the responsibility of Continuing Education Committee, as it develops programs and meetings.
- Organize library tours
- Add virtual meeting components to General Meeting, following the success of the virtual meeting held in conjunction with the live April 2017 meeting.
- Programming for both professional and paraprofessional staff
- Special meetings for professional development
- Outreach and Community Building – It was agreed that this area of activity will be the responsibility of Communications Committee.
- Utilize social media and the listserv to promote programs and increase interaction between members
- Leverage existing technology to facilitate easier searching of member library catalogs
- Membership Task Force – A new task force that needs leadership and members.
- Charged with exploring the expansion of membership categories; one chair and two members
- To research membership structures of other ATLA regional groups as well as similar regional professional organizations
- To summarize findings in a report to the Executive Committee at the February 2018 meeting
- To make a formal recommendation to the Executive Committee, including a draft of any constitutional and/or bylaw amendments, by the February 2018 meeting
- To submit a summary of activities and recommendations to the general membership for publication in March 2018, in advance of the Spring 2018 Meeting
- Resource Sharing Task Force – A new task force that Mark Draper has agreed to chair. Gerald Lincoln has agreed to serve as a task force member. Mark and Gerald have undertaken a good amount of preliminary research in this area.
- Charged with exploring consortial purchasing opportunities; one chair and two members
- To research existing consortial purchasing opportunities available to SEPTLA member libraries, including but not limited to: ATLA, ATLA/SCELC Affiliate Program, LYRASIS, Tri-State College Library Cooperative, and PALCI.
- To make inquiries with vendors about possible consortial pricing opportunities
- To survey current member libraries on existing consortial purchasing agreements and needs, both in general and specific to potential opportunities identified
- To summarize findings in a report to the Executive Committee at the December 2017 meeting
- To make a formal recommendation to the Executive Committee by the December 2017 meeting
- To submit a summary of activities and recommendations to the general membership for publication in March 2018, in advance of the Spring 2018 Meeting
The committee voted to appoint:
- Patrick Milas to the office of Treasurer. Patrick will serve a full four-year term, effective upon appointment until the 2021 Spring Meeting.
- Ondrea Murphy as Chair of the Continuing Education Committee, effective upon appointment due to Karla Grafton’s move this summer. Her two-year term will extend until the 2019 Fall Meeting.
- Virginia Dearborn to continue serving as Website Manager, effective upon appointment until the 2019 Fall Meeting.
Review of Committee and Task Force Members
The committee reviewed current committee and task force members. Additional appointments will be made at the August 2017 Executive Committee meeting. At present, committee and task force membership is as follows:
- Continuing Education Committee. Karla recommended asking the new chair to recommend a fourth committee member.
- Chair: Ondrea Murphy (2017-2019)
- Julie Dawson – consider reappointing to two-year term.
- Lydia Putnam – consider reappointing to two-year term.
- Communications Committee. Myka and Virginia will discuss options for committee membership in advance of the August 2017 Executive Committee meeting.
- Co-Chair: Virginia Dearborn (2017-2019)
- Co-Chair: Stephanie Kaceli – Starting this fall, Stephanie will not be able to serve on the Executive Committee, so a new appointment may need to be made. Myka will confirm with Stephanie if she might consider continuing with the newsletter editorship.
- Myka Kennedy Stephens – former Website Task Force member; consider reappointing to two-year term.
- Lydia Putnam – former Website Task Force member; consider reappointing to two-year term.
- Jocelyn Abel – current SEPTLA archivist. Myka will contact her to see if she is still interested in serving.
- Membership Task Force. Myka will send an email to the SEPTLA membership to solicit volunteers for the open position.
- Chair: VACANT
- Resource Sharing Task Force
- Chair: Mark Draper is willing to serve.
- Gerald Lincoln is willing to serve.
- Myka will ask Mark and Gerald to recommend a third task force member.
Other Business
Myka will issue a Doodle poll prior to scheduling the August Executive Committee meeting.
Myka closed the meeting, thanking the Committee for their work and expressing a special thank you to Karla Grafton for her wonderful leadership as Chair of the Continuing Education Committee.