SEPTLA Fall Meeting 2019 Invitation – NEW DATE

Please join us for the SEPTLA fall meeting at Moravian Theological Seminary! Due to unforeseen circumstances, the SEPTLA meeting has been rescheduled. NEW DATE: Friday, November 1.

Registration will begin at 9:30 am with light refreshments, and the meeting will start at 10 am.

Lunch is $10; payable in cash.  Exact change is always appreciated.

Please RSVP by Friday, October 18.  Please note in the form whether or not you will need a parking pass, which will be sent via mail.

I’m still working on the parking and am hopeful that attendees can still park in the College Hill Moravian Church lot. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding,

Questions??? Contact Elizabeth Young Miller (

RSVP link (new link): 

Schedule (tentative)

9:30   Registration
10:00 Discussion of collection development policies

  • Given your budget, which subject areas are a priority? Have they had to change as your budget changes?
  • Does your policy provide a rationale (i.e., a principle derived from your institution’s faith-background) for the selection of all materials in your collection?
  • Does your policy provide guidance for collection choices at the broad subject level only (i.e., Music), or does it contain guidelines for specific subsections (i.e., Baroque keyboard music)?
  • As digital publications become more desirable and accessible, have you adjusted your policy to specify when electronic versions should be bought, when print ones should be bought, and when both should be bought? Do you now favor digital versions exclusively?
  • How much do you rely on faculty input for new purchases? How much discretion does the librarian have in deciding which items to purchase?
  • Does anybody “commit to retain” any portions of their collection?
  • Based on a comparison of our subject specialties/purchasing priorities, can we hammer out a list of LC subject areas that show strengths

12:00 Lunch
1:00   Interest Group Meetings (to elect new chairs)
1:30   Business meeting
2:00   Conversation on the value of SEPTLA

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