Spring Meeting – May 11, 2018
Cairn University
I. Welcome and Thanks
Myka Kennedy Stephens welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
II. Approval of Agenda
Myka Kennedy Stephens asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Seeing
none, the agenda was approved.
III. Approval of Minutes from October 4, 2017 Meeting
Myka Kennedy Stephens explained that since minutes from the fall meeting were not submitted, she reconstructed them. She asked if there were any changes, encouraging members to e-mail the Executive Committee with any corrections.
IV. Reports
A. Treasurer’s Report
1. Checking balance: $4,192.48
2. Deposits reflect dues
3. Withdrawals account for meeting expenses and SEPTLA’s web presence
4. PNC Money Market balance: $6,718.14
5. Total balance: $10,910.62
B. Membership Task Force
Elizabeth Young Miller thanked committee member Jim Sauer and provided some context for the report. She emphasized that the membership would be consulted regarding the recommendations and clarified that stipends will not be offered to the president of SEPTLA.
C. Continuing Education Committee Report
Ondrea Murphy thanked Cairn University for hosting the meeting and recognized the contributions of the Continuing Education Committee: Julie Dawson, James Humble, and Lydia Putnam. The Committee will be in dialog about the fall meeting, as well as the workshop piece for the spring 2019 meeting. Currently, the Committee is looking for hosts for the fall meeting. Lydia Putnam mentioned that Biblical may be interested in hosting.
D. Communications Committee Report
Virginia Dearborn thanked those who serve on this committee and reported that that there are openings. The “News” section of the website has new content and feedback is welcome. Lydia Putnam highlighted the RSS feed on the website.
E. Research Services Interest Group Report
Ondrea Murphy reported on behalf of Bethany O’Shea. The Interest Group
discussed instructional videos, a conversation that will continue in the fall. Lydia
Putnam highlighted that there are further questions, such as meeting standards and
complying with accessibility. Virginia Dearborn also mentioned that the group
discussed how to share these videos. Bethany will share the PowerPoint slides
with Virginia, who can post them to the SEPTLA website
F. Cataloging and Metadata Interest Group
Melvin Hartwick reported for Chris Schwartz. The main topic of the meeting was the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project. This project is dramatically changing the web-based version of the cataloging code, RDA Toolkit. At the meeting, we examined the preliminary screenshots that are available now. A beta version is scheduled to be released on June 13, 2018. We also discussed the ATLA NACO Funnel Project. Melvin highlighted that Princeton will be offering NACO training this summer and encouraged any interested libraries to contact Princeton.
V. Election of Officers
Since the past president was not in attendance, Myka Kennedy Stephens presided over the election of officers.
A. Secretary
Myka asked for nominations from the floor. Patrick Milas nominated Robert (Bob) McInnes. Bob accepted the nomination. Seeing no new nominations, Steve McKinzie moved to close nominations. Bob was elected by a clear majority.
B. President
Myka opened nominations from the floor. Donna Roof nominated Elizabeth Young Miller, who accepted the nomination. Seeing no additional nominations, Elizabeth was approved as president.
VI. Additional Openings (to be appointed by Executive Committee)
A. Archivist
Myka Kennedy Stephens shared that the Executive Committee voted to appoint Jim Humble the archivist earlier that week. The archives, which had been housed at Lancaster Bible College, will be moving to St. Charles Borromeo.
B. Newsletter Editor
Myka Kennedy Stephens explained that Stephanie Kaceli would be stepping down from her role as newsletter editor, and Myka asked for volunteers. Myka shared more about this position, explaining that this individual is part of the Communications Committee and serves a two-year renewable term, sharing the newsletter with the membership four (4) weeks before each meeting. Chris Schwartz asked if this person attends Executive Committee meetings. Myka replied that this individual would serve as a co-chair of the Communications Committee with Virginia Dearborn. Virginia and the newsletter editor would take turns attending the Executive Committee meetings. Since no volunteers were forthcoming, Myka encouraged interested parties to talk with her. The Executive Committee will appoint someone if there are no volunteers.
VII. Other Business
Myka Kennedy Stephens asked if there was any additional business. There was none.
VIII. Adjourn
Myka Kennedy Stephens thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth Young Miller